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New Law on Clean Water Management Aims to Improve Access and Quality On March 11, 2023

The Royal Government of Cambodia promulgated the Law on Management of Clean Water Supply. This new law aims to ensure the quality, safety, su

stainability, and affordability of clean water supply in Cambodia.

The law establishes a number of new regulations for the water supply sector. These include:

  • Requirements for water quality standards

  • Regulations for the construction and operation of water supply systems

  • Licensing requirements for water supply businesses

  • Penalties for violations of the law

The law also establishes a new National Water Supply Authority (NWSA) to oversee the implementation of the law. The NWSA will be responsible for:

  • Developing and implementing national water supply policies

  • Regulating the water supply sector

  • Providing technical assistance to water supply businesses

  • Promoting public awareness of water conservation

The new law is a significant step forward in ensuring access to clean water for all Cambodians. It is expected to have a positive impact on public health, economic development, and environmental sustainability.

The key benefits of the new law:

  • Improved quality of water: The law requires water supply businesses to meet strict quality standards for drinking water. This will help to reduce the risk of waterborne diseases, such as cholera and typhoid.

  • Increased access to water: The law requires the government to expand access to clean water to all Cambodians, regardless of their location or income. This will help to improve the health and well-being of millions of people.

  • Reduced environmental impact: The law encourages water conservation and the use of sustainable water management practices. This will help to protect the environment and ensure that Cambodia has a reliable source of water for future generations.

The new law is a major achievement for the government of Cambodia. It is a clear sign of the government's commitment to improving the lives of its citizens and protecting the environment. The law is expected to have a positive impact on Cambodia for many years to come.

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